Wyreema State School began in 1895 and is a friendly, family orientated state school approximately 15 km from Toowoomba, tucked away in a safe, rural location. The town of Wyreema and the surrounding area is home to farming families and families that have chosen Wyreema for lifestyle while commuting to work in Toowoomba or away.
As a small school we offer a straight Prep and three other multigrade classes with a high adult to child ratio, and much of each student’s learning is done in small groups. Computers and technology are an important part of the students’ learning and we cater for students needs with one computer per 2 students. We have a Physical Education specialist on site and an Indonesian Language specialist teacher visits our school each week. Weekly Instrumental Music lessons are available and our Arts program is explicitly taught through music, visual arts, dance, media and drama.
Students socialise and play across grade levels using the spacious ovals, playground equipment, tennis courts and gardens. Our students and families are passionate about sport and physical activity and our school therefore participates in many of the local carnivals and interschool sports activities. We conduct swimming lessons as part of the curriculum in the fourth term.
The school and community playgroup is held every Wednesday from 9.00 am. A teacher aide coordinates this popular playgroup which includes singing, dancing, story time, obstacle courses and arts and crafts among other activities.
Outside of school hours care is offered every school day after school – creating opportunities for the students to extend their play, complete homework and socialise in a safe and familiar environment.
Pre-service teachers are welcomed into our school and we have assisted many Pre-service teachers in achieving their educational goals.
Our Parents and Citizens committee is very active, supporting the school with many fundraising activities throughout the year resulting in additional facillities and well maintained grounds and buildings.
Communication between school and home is enhanced through fortnightly newsletters, a Facebook page, weekly school Parades and an open door policy whereby we encourage parents to keep in regular contact with their child’s teacher.
Wyreema State School is a dynamic school achieving quality education in a natural, country environment – a perfect place to grow and learn, for every child, every day.